The video work on these pages was originally made not just as something to watch, but as a proposition of something to do.
If you are an artist.
All of these films can be seen in full on a real screen
Les Petites Expertises opener
All you have to do is to rent the title or titles that you are interested in. To do so, please get in touch here, giving the videos that you are interested in, the dates of your sceenings, the place to which you require shipping and the format that you can screen the video in.
Les Petites Expertises/Little Expert/Kleinekunstler constitue a series of video œuvres concerning both the status of the artist as video maker and the history of experimental film and video. Each film or video is specifically referenced to an artistic practice or a genre of film language. The simplest ones are performances orientated towards a definition of my own physical capabilities through more or less difficult physical acts. These acts define, in the end, my original capabilityes and thus a new status as an artist (one that I never wanted before, but, you know...).
The short, physical pieces, such as Do you have what an Artist takes/Avez vous l’étoffe des Artistes, are invitations to participate ; most of them seem to be relatively easy, even imperceptible, but are a convenient way of defining individuality. Whether that turns me into an artist is quite contestable, but these elements pieced together form a framework in which I can playfully construct an aura of singularity, the unique aspect of my artistic status.
Other expertises take in different conventional artistic activites, painting, stc. in an effort to present my innate artistic gifts without going through all the trouble of an apprenticeship, but holding on to a pedagogical discourse. Peindre Aujourd'hui/ Painting Today, for example is an account of my career as a painter, which totals the completion of a single painting, the one which we see in the video. Others follow ; Voilà ce que c’est la Sculpture/This is what Sculpture is, Photographie/Drawing with Light, Dessiner, l’Art Oublié/Drawing the Forgotten Art, etc.
Concerned to widen the reference base of this work, I hae also started looking at other approaches, such as Sociology (and Demography) in Les habitants de Paris/Paris in habitants, which was shot on the banks of the Seine, côté Bercy, and tries to count, using primary research and mathematical extrapolation, all the inhabitants of Paris.